Associates' Council - Ask a Builder - Second Annual Builder Panel Discussion
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (MDT)
Join us for lunch and an opportunity to get in front of a builder at our Second Annual Builder Panel Discussion. This will be an open question and answer forum to discuss industry hot topics and get feedback from some of our most trusted builders. Last year's panel was our most attended Associate's event so register now so you don't miss out. Seating is limited. This is a member's only lunch
Hosted at the WaFd Campus at 5777 N. Meeker Ave., Boise ID 83713
(We will be on the back patio - follow the event signs)
Our Builder Panel:
Adam Capell - Toll Brothers - BCASWI Builder Director
Dan Richter - Avimor - IHBA President
Jason Oates - O2 Construction LLC - BCASWI Builder Director
Jenna Englund - Berkeley Building Co. - BCASWI 1st First Vice President
Kevin Amar - Biltmore Co.
If you would like to be our next guest builder or host an offsite Associates' meeting
contact Kyle or Patrica to get on the schedule.
Associates’ Council sponsors activities that educate and/or entertain the membership; and enhance recognition and appreciation between builder and associate members. This includes planning and implementing directives through regular monthly meetings. All Associate members are members of the Associate's Council. An Associate Member is any Member who is not a builder, developer, or remodeler, or community partner. They are in building supplies, real estate, insurance, carpet, window, landscape, mortgage, title services, concrete, etc. Most Associates Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month and hours vary as they are usually hosted offsite by an Associate Member. If you are interested in hosting please contact Kyle.
5777 N. Meeker Ave.,
Boise, ID 83713 United States
(We will be on the back patio - follow the event signs)