BCASWI PAC Golf Tournament - 80'S CaddyShack Par-TEE & Costume Contest
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 (7:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (MDT)
Please join us for a FUN filled day at our
CaddyShack themed Golf Tournament, 80's Par-TEE & Costume Contest
in support of our BCA of Southwestern Idaho Political Action Committee (BCASWI PAC).
Dress up is optional, but there will be a prize for best costume.
This Tournament is limited to the first 128 players and sells out fast!
Registration Starts at 7am with a Shotgun Start at 8am
Tournament fee is $150/Player $600/Team of 4 and includes Includes 18 holes, cart, range balls, lunch & beverages. Players must check in at the clubhouse! If you do not have a full team, PAC will place you on a team. Players must be registered and paid by June 16th.
Rules: Four-person scramble format
Minimum of one (1) BCA member per team
Team advances to best shot
One score per hole per team
Limit two (2) mulligans per person @ $20 each
Door Prize Drawings you must be present to win.
Please Register for a Team of 4 HERE>>
Players must be registered and paid by June 16th.
If you would like to be on a practice green, driving range or
a "19th hole" sponsor for our raffle items Click HERE>>
(All money collected will be used to buy items for the gift raffle)
If you would like to be a hole sponsor for $1000
e-mail BCASWIPAC@gmail.com for more info on availability.
Click here to download printable registration form
Refund Policy: It is the Tournament Committee's intent to provide a great day of golf and friendship. Mother Nature can interrupt even the greatest of intentions. The primary purpose of this tournament is to raise BCASWI PAC funds to support industry friendly candidates to help fulfill the association's purpose - "Ensuring the responsible development of our Community". Therefore, if the weather does not cooperate, or there is a public health emergency, and golf is not possible on the date of the tournament,
Lunch Sponsor
Beverage Sponsor
Hole in One Sponsorship
Hole Sponsorship
“19th Hole” Sponsors ($$ for gift raffle) $1000
Driving Range/Practice Green Sponsorship
“19th Hole” Sponsors ($$ for gift raffle) $500
“19th Hole” Sponsors ($$ for gift raffle) $200

“19th Hole” Sponsors (bring gift raffle) $200+
Best Dressed Prizes
(Includes 18 holes, cart, range balls, lunch & beverages.
Players must check in at the clubhouse!)
Minimum of one (1) BCA member per team
Limit two (2) mulligans per person @ $20each
15711 N Horseshoe Bend Rd.
Garden City, ID 83714 United States